Simple Swaps for a Health-Friendlier Home
So nice to see you!
Creating a health-friendlier home really does not have to be overwhelming.
You don’t need to have all the products, supplements, and newest wellness gadgets. Often, simplifying and changing some habits are the keys to a greener and cleaner home.
Simple switches and little tweaks that you can make today or in the next week will help you lower your toxic burden at home and create an environment that benefits you and your family’s well-being.
Make a change - naturally
The following are six ideas how you can create a home that is cleaner and greener - hence better for you and your family - with a few attainable swaps.
Take Your Shoes Off Inside
I was born and raised in Germany, in a household where it was simply normal to take off our shoes at the front door. This was to keep dirt out of the house. Obviously, this makes sense. When I came to the U.S., however, I noticed that it was much more accepted to leave your shoes on in the house. I always wondered about that because to me it meant dirt and bacteria (don’t you wear those same shoes in a public bathroom, for instance?) would enter the house easily this way.
So, if you want to make your home a cleaner place, start with kicking those shoes off at the door.
Use a Plant-Based All-Purpose Cleaner + Laundry Detergent
This one can be overwhelming because of the fact that there are so many seemingly “clean and green” cleaning and laundry care products on the market. Sadly, many companies “green-wash”, which means their marketing tends to be created in a way that it makes their products seem toxin free, when, in reality, many products still contain ingredients that are questionable. Avoid anything that says fragrance at all costs as it is an umbrella term for thousands of undisclosed ingredients, many of which are actually banned in Europe.
If you really want to go “all simple” and “natural”, then vinegar and baking soda, plus a pure lemon essential oil are your best cleaning buddies.
Also, check out Earthley Wellness Home Care.
Eat Whole Foods and Cook From Scratch As Much as Possible
What I have learned over the last few years: we can greatly improve our physical health by avoiding seed oils (vegetable oils such as canola oil) of any kind. Once I started paying more attention to labels, I was pretty frustrated to realize that those type of oils, highly inflammatory to the body and potentially causing health issues in the long run, are found in the majority of grocery store products.
As a rule of thumb: The fresher the food - as in: whole foods - the better it is. We try to cook from scratch as much as possible, avoiding frozen ready meals and other highly processed products. It may not be possible to completely ditch all that - seed oils, refined sugars, more processed foods -, but it starts with awareness.
Avoid Generic Fragranced Candles
Generic scented and fragranced candles that you get at large stores contain ingredients that, when burnt, are similar to the fumes at the gas station. Do you really want to inhale that in your home? I personally greatly enjoy the ambiance a candle flicker creates, and you don’t have to miss out on it. Many small businesses craft candles that are health-friendlier in that they contain no fragrances but actual essential oils, and no paraffin wax. If you can do without the scent, then beeswax candles are a wonderful alternative.
Add Some Green Indoor Plants
Green indoor plants have proven to improve the air quality in homes. Not only can they add to a more nature-oriented, calming atmosphere in your home, they also benefit your well-being. What a win-win situation. These are a few you should consider adding: Golden Pothos, Spider Plant, Chinese Evergreen, Aloe Vera, Pot Mum, for starters.
Re-Think Your Water and Opt for a Filter System
This is a big ticket item on my family’s list and something that will be prioritized next: An actually good water filter. Unfortunately, tap water quality is anything but great and we have always been drinking water from the fridge - with a filter. Yet, I had to learn that these “fridge water” filters may not be as effective as I’d like them to be. However, our bodies naturally need water of good quality, without any chemicals added, and so a good water filter, although pricy, is, in my humble opinion, something worth considering investing in.
A good resource is when it comes to knowing what’s in your food, home and personal care products. This is their tap water guide. And always remember: It starts with little steps. This is a lifestyle change for the better - not something that happens over night. It requires research and awareness - and the latter is the first big step towards making healthier choices for you and your very own family.
Have you made any of these swaps yet? Have you noticed a change in your well-being? I’d love to hear from you.
For more essential oil resources, check out this post or the Printables + Resources category in my Etsy shop.
This post contains a couple of affiliate links. I only share products we use by companies my family trusts.