5 Essential Oils to Breathe Freely This Fall Season
It’s great to see you!
As much as we are enjoying the last days of summer (and here in southern California, we’re ironically going through a heat wave), I am secretly looking forward to the fall season (you know, when temperatures actually drop).
Yes, this may just be my favorite time of the year. There is something so cozy about this season: starting to slow down more, center inward, focus on family and my home even more than I already to, while noticing the changing scenery and taking this as an opportunity to reflect on life.
But all that slightly philosophical talk aside, I am writing this post today in an effort to share 5 essential oils that will help you breathe freely and support your respiratory system through the upcoming colder season.
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis ct. cineole & ct. camphor)
Rosemary essential oil helps with inflammation of the mucous membranes and, especially in combination with Peppermint and Eucalyptus essential oils, is a decongestant. It can be beneficial for the common cold and also coughs by helping thin mucous and bring it up more easily.
Caution: Both chemotypes* are 1,8-cineole rich oil, a chemical component, so use for children under at least 5+ years old is not recommended .
*Chemotype: One botanical species this essential oil is derived from, but depending on where it is grown, the essential oil can have vastly different chemical compositions. Hence, ct. cineole or ct. camphor, for instance.
Eucalyptus (globulus)
Eucalyptus essential oil can be beneficial for bronchitis and sinus issues. It helps open the airways by allowing a deeper breathing experience and clearing mucous. In addition, it can help suppress coughing. It also contains antiseptic properties for sore throats. Eucalyptus globulus essential oil is also great for clearing nasal congestion, especially in combination with Rosemary and Peppermint.
Caution: Eucalyptus globulus is a 1,8 cineole rich oil, a chemical component, so use for children under 5+ years old is not recommended.
Frankincense (Boswellia carteri)
A gentle oil for both adults and kids, it is helpful for sinus congestion, bronchitis, and even asthma. Paired with Cardamom essential oil, it makes for a soothing, airways supporting blend for children. It has antitussive and mild expectorant activities, meaning it helps loosen mucous and relieves coughs.
Bonus: As an immune enhancer, Frankincense essential oil can help improve the immune response when immunity is compromised (check out my Immune Boost Roll-on in my Etsy shop).
Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens)
Cypress, due to its anti-spasmodic activity, can bring relief for those suffering from dry coughs - even potentially whooping cough and asthma - by relaxing the airways. In addition, it is a mild decongestant and can help with infections in throat and nose area.
Peppermint (Mentha x piperita)
Peppermint essential oil has a great affinity with the respiratory system and, therefore, can aid in bringing relief from bronchitis and sinusitis. It supports the loosening of mucous in the airways, decongests the sinus area, helps relieve coughs, and is beneficial for the healing from common (head) colds. It is especially effective in combination with Rosemary and Peppermint essential oils (nasal congestion).
Caution: Peppermint essential oil contains menthol and should not be used on children under 4+ years old - with caution afterwards.
Diffuse these oils or apply topically on chest and upper back (with the age appropriate dilution) to keep your respiratory system happy - naturally.
(Ditch the candles this fall season to make your respiratory system even happier, with these diffuser blends.)
If you are looking for something that supports easy breathing that you can add to your natural toolbox, I’ve got just the perfect aromatic product for you:
Breathe easy, deeply, freely - simply naturally
with this versatile, tried and true, Clear Airways Respiratory Support Rub.
this can easily be customized for children 2+ years with a synergy of age-appropriate, safe essential oils.
My C l e a r A i r w a y s S a l v e is infused with a few of the above-mentioned, genuine essential oils. A helpful little natural respiratory rub to keep handy throughout the entire year, but especially during fall and winter season. It comes in a 1 oz tin jar (larger size upon request) and very little goes a long way.
I also offer this B e W e l l M i n i W e l l n e s s S e t which you can grab for yourself or send as a practical and thoughtful little seasonal gift to someone you care about.
Take care of yourself and your family this fall season.
Disclaimer: The above information is for educational purposes only. It is not medical advice. You are using the information provided on this site or materials and blogs linked from this post at your own risk. The information is never a substitute for professional medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis especially when pregnant, nursing, taking specific medication, having a medical condition, or undergoing medical treatment. If you are looking for guidance from a certified aromatherapy practitioner, you are welcome to reach out to me at any time and I will be in touch.