A warm welcome!
I’m so happy this space is finally opening its doors.
It has been a vision of mine requiring heart work to breathe life into my very own, independent little aroma infused hub on the big ol’ internet.
But I am even happier about the fact that you are taking time out of your busy day to visit me in my little virtual feel-good corner. A warm welcome from me to you. Reach out with questions or a simple “Hi”.
Grab a hot Beverage —
And hang out with me as you learn a thing or two about essential oils, aromatherapy and friendlier, super simple, and more sustainable home and personal care options.
If you haven’t seen yet: I have a few freebies to offer that I hope you will find helpful.
Have you signed up for my free monthly e-letter yet?
Think of it as a little letter from me to you, once a month, with plant infused recipes, tips and tricks on how to use essential oils daily to enhance health + well-being, exclusive promos and discounts on products, and more.
Have you grabbed my free 5-page Essential Oil Guide yet?
If you don’t really know how to use essential oils (more often), need some input and ideas how to effectively and confidently use them, this guide will jump-start your essential oil journey. And you won’t look back ( — for real).
This site will evolve and grow over time — just like we ebb and flow with the plant world. (We’re more connected with nature than we may think.)