Benefits of Roman Chamomile Essential Oil
Time for my first oil spotlight.
Roman Chamomile
— Chamaemelum nobile —
Botanical family: Asteraceae
Native to Italy, France, United States, Hungary, Chile, Germany.
Steam distilled from flowers.
Yellow to clear color.
A couple of weeks ago one of my sweet neighbor mamas asked me for an oil (or two) to help relieve her teething daughter’s discomfort.
I added a drop of Roman chamomile + Lavender in a 5 ml roller bottle topped off with fractionated coconut oil.
She used it on her baby‘s jawline and — she slept through the night without waking from teething pain.
Now, Roman chamomile is generally known for its soothing, calming, and sedative properties.
However, as I dove deeper into this single essential oil this morning, I felt the need to highlight a few more of this oil’s wonderful therapeutic actions.
🌱 anti-inflammatory (skin conditions)
🌱 antispasmodic (relieves muscle spasms)
🌱 febrifuge (reduces fevers; cools body)
🌱 vulnerary (promotes wound healing)
🌱 analgesic (reduces pain perception)
🌱 antipruritic (reduces itching)
🌱 digestive support
🌱 relaxes the nervous system
🌱 relieves anxiety and tension
And mamas, this is for us in particular:
🌱 can help calm hyper-active kiddos
🌱 perineal healing after birth
🌱 helps with PMS
🌱 regulates monthly cycle
🌱 aids in reducing period pain
🌿 It has a strong, sweet and apple-like aroma.
So many good things. You can grab a bottle here if you’re keen on trying this essential oil.
This is an oil that I keep handy and that’s a regular in our natural medicine cabinet at home.
Have you used Roman chamomile before?
Disclaimer: The above information is for educational purposes only. It is not medical advice. You are using the information provided on this site or materials and blogs linked from this post at your own risk. The information is never a substitute for professional medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis especially when pregnant, nursing, taking specific medication, having a medical condition, or undergoing medical treatment. If you are looking for guidance from a certified aromatherapy practitioner, you are welcome to reach out to me at any time and I will be in touch.